Ogre Town Shitters
This "player" with number 0 on the team roster of Ogre Town Shitters represents all the events, that does not earn a proper player on the team SPP. For examble when a mercenary/journeyman scores a TD or gets an MVP, or when the team earns a casualty because a player on the opposing team falls over (failed dodge or GFI), or casualties from spectators or fouls and so on. |
-- Ogre Town Shitters has retired --.
Golden Vortex - Ogre Town Shitters (Season 4, round 1)wissu 1 x kasse katsomo 1 x kasse (miss next game) Ogre Town Shitters - Korven Kuninkaat (Season 4, round 2)Grotty 2 x TD Mercenary Ogre (Pappa) x 1 kasse Brick Far'th 1 x MVP Voice of the Woods - Ogre Town Shitters (Season 4, round 3)Grotty 1 x MVP Ol' Skool Miners - Ogre Town Shitters (Season 4, Cross-Over 5)Grotty 1 x TD Golden Vortex - Ogre Town Shitters (Season 4, round 10) / Golden Vortex - Voice of the Woods (Season 4, round 9) joka oli oikeasti Shitters - VoW Grotty 2 x TD, vielä kolmatta maalia yrittäessään Grotty antoi kaikkensa mikä ei ihan riittänyt, GFI:llä mennessään kengännauha tarttui Ogren vyönsolkeen ja Grotty hirttäytyi siihen. Onneksi ei pysyviä vammoja, vammasta johon toinen olkisi kuollut ei Grotty saanut mustelmaakaan. Ogre Town Shitters - Korven Kuninkaat (Season 9, Round 3)Grotty 1 x TD Brick Fartti 1 x CAS